Night Film Portrait Photography in Seoul - Cinestill 800T

Neewer TL60 night portrait film photography

As a photographer constantly seeking new techniques and tools to enhance my craft, I recently embarked on a nighttime portrait photography session in the bustling streets of Seoul, South Korea more precisely in my beloved district, Euljiro for a perfect rusty match!
Equipped with the Neewer TL60 LED tube, obtained through a commercial collaboration, I set out to capture captivating portraits amidst the city's nocturnal charm.

Neewer TL60 Tube LED

Utilizing the Neewer TL60 for Nighttime Portraiture:

The Neewer TL60 was a versatile companion for my night photography endeavors. With its adjustable color settings and ergonomic design, it offered a seamless experience in capturing the essence of Seoul's urban landscape after dusk.

You can choose different modes to get exactly the color you are looking for from HSI, RGB, Temperature, or even official gels.

Exploration of Settings and Composition:

During the session, I experimented with various settings and compositions to achieve the desired aesthetic. From adjusting the aperture to fine-tuning the color temperature, each element played a crucial role in crafting compelling portraits against the backdrop of the city lights.

I would say that average I was around 1/60 in terms of shutter speed because the environment was very dark! I could get faster if I only wanted the model’s face to be properly exposed but it needs to be balanced.

Collaboration with Model and Equipment:

Collaborating with my model, Gloria Condy, and utilizing the Nikon FE2 film camera paired with the famous Cinestill 800T film, to capture the essence of nighttime allure in Seoul. The Neewer TL60 is seamlessly integrated into our setup, providing dynamic lighting solutions for each frame.

This time I pushed the Cinestill 800T to one stop which brought me to 1600 ISO but I think I might try 2 stops higher next to have more freedom. I didn’t feel any loss in the quality with one stop.

I made it developed by a professional lab in Seoul but I scanned it by myself with some tools I will tell you about later on YouTube.

Insights on the Neewer TL60:

Reflecting on my experience with the Neewer TL60, I found it valuable to my photography toolkit. Its versatility and reliability make it a suitable choice for a studio and less for on-location shoots since it’s quite big to manage outside. Whether capturing portraits or experimenting with motion blur effects, the TL60 delivered consistent performance throughout the session.

But because of its size, you get much more power and you will be able to highlight a large scene when with hand light most of the time you need to use only the headshots.


I extend my gratitude to Neewer for their collaboration and support, allowing me to explore new horizons in photography and share my experiences with you.


Enhancing Portrait Editing Workflow with Retouch4me Plugins


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