1 Day With A Photographer in Hong-Kong

Hong Kong is a treasure trove for photographers, especially those drawn to capturing the essence of a bustling city. This blog post follows a photographer's day in Hong Kong, offering insights and tips for anyone wanting to experience the city through their lens.

Fueling Up for a Day of Exploration: A Hong Kong Breakfast

The adventure begins with an essential Hong Kong breakfast, a delicious fusion of Western and Asian influences. Check the video to see how it looks like!
This adresse is more than recommended! Extremely friendly and local. Everything I needed: https://maps.app.goo.gl/R9TUzmWbPhdq5aAN6

Beyond Skyscrapers: Unveiling the Heart of Hong Kong

While the city's skyline is undeniably iconic, the true magic lies in its diverse neighborhoods. I emphasizes the importance of venturing beyond tourist hotspots and exploring local markets. These areas full of life, offering a glimpse into the authentic rhythm of Hong Kong.

One such gem is Lei Hue Mun, a port village that provides a unique backdrop for photography. The vibrant atmosphere, from laundry drying against a breathtaking cityscape to the distinctive red temples, is a photographer's paradise.

Patience and Adaptability: Embracing the Unexpected

The unexpected can be a photographer's best friend. While a basketball court renovation might have thwarted the initial plan, it led to capturing the red temples reminiscent of Japan and the mystical beauty of the cloudy landscape.

Nature's Embrace: A Tranquil Interlude

The journey takes a turn towards serenity as the photographer reaches a scenic spot. Lush greenery, rolling hills, and a panoramic vista provide a perfect setting for portrait photography. This hidden gem caters to those seeking a more natural backdrop for their shots.

Little break: Street Food and Cultural Delights

The adventure continues back in the bustling city. A little break with one of the other Hong Kong specialty, the egg-waffle. A good excuse to get one…

The Allure of Film Photography: A Resurgence

Hong Kong's film photography scene thrives, with a surprisingly young generation embracing this classic medium. This trend extends to the adoption of compact digital cameras, similar to what's observed in Japan.

I will give you the good adresse to get this in the next video about my best spots in Hong-Kong for photographer!

Navigating the Markets: A Sensory Experience

The exploration moves on to the goldfish market. While acknowledging the ethical concerns surrounding animal markets, I finds himself captivated by the sheer vibrancy and color on display.

Next door, the flower market holds less appeal, but the photographer perseveres, determined to capture the essence of the bird market before the fading sunlight hinders his efforts.

Capturing the Elusive: The Colors of the Goldfish Market

The goldfish market proves a challenge, with some shops having "no photo" policies. Yet, the photographer perseveres, drawn to the stunning explosion of colors that define this unique space.

Immersing in the Neon Glow of Hong Kong's Urban Landscape

No exploration of Hong Kong would be complete without delving into its iconic neon-lit streets. As dusk descends, I find himself amidst a symphony of lights, where neon signs flicker and dance in a mesmerizing display of color. Neon signs reflecting off rain-soaked pavements create a cinematic ambiance, transporting viewers into a futuristic realm of urban splendor. In the neon city of Hong Kong, I find inspiration at every turn, capturing the essence of urban life in all its illuminated glory.

A Delicious End to a Fulfilling Day: Clay Pot Rice

The adventure concludes with a steaming pot of clay pot rice, a Hong Kong culinary staple. So many food to try which is 200% included in my traveling routine with my photography, a perfect way to get in the culture!


Nobody tell you about these PHOTO SPOTS in Hong Kong.


Understanding ISO Sensitivity in Photography