“I archive the world.”

Mutin Antoine

Seoul photographer.

Antoine Mutin, french photographer based in Seoul South-Korea covering event, portrait, wedding, fashion and more when I'm not taking street photography

Photo credit: Thibaud Chaumard

As a fan of diversity, I find it difficult to limit myself to one genre of music,
a specific type of cinema, or a particular foreign culture (even though I've spent a lot of time in Asia...), just as I do to a specific field of photography!

I enjoy immersing myself in various styles regardless of their origin, always remaining curious and attentive to the world around me. Boredom is a word I don't know, and perhaps I complain (too) often about not having enough time, even though I should probably slow down in my pursuit of new passions.

During my immersive experiences with korea photographer and my extensive travels throughout Asia, I've been inspired by the rich tapestry of cultures that surround me. These experiences have fueled my passion for capturing the essence of this region and have instilled in me a deep desire to grow my business here.

Interview conducted by Emmanuelle BABE for ARKUCHI magazine:

Three monks overlooking a Cambodian plain, a street scene at night in South Korea, a woman working in a field in Vietnam. But also, a sunbeam captured in the Arcets Valley or a shower of stars in the Parmelan sky. Antoine Mutin holds nothing back when it comes to "archiving the world as it is." While Asia is his preferred playground, the 27-year-old photographer from Lyon takes equal pleasure in exploring the French mountain ranges, alone or with friends, to produce images often of exquisite composition. This tall, metal-looking guy, rather reserved, finds in photography a means to follow his inspirations and satisfy his curiosity as a globetrotter: It all started with a trip to Norway. Antoine Mutin was sixteen and took numerous shots with his phone. The image already sparked genuine interest: "I've always loved photography and video; I've always been interested in those who practice it. Like my close ones and a supervisor at my high school."

That same year, he received his first digital camera as a gift and embarked on a solo learning journey. He watched tutorials, honed his skills through specialized literature, and "experimented a lot to develop his eye." His newfound passion intertwined with another—travel—that quickly asserted itself. After visiting New York and Poland as a student, Antoine Mutin was captivated by Asia: Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, as well as Vietnam and South Korea. Antoine Mutin prefers to describe his work and approach as "cultural photographs," sharing an otherness that attracts and inspires him: "I love differences, things that are very distant from me. Asia is perfect for that. To get off the beaten path, I immerse myself in the local population, I visit cafes, grandmothers' restaurants." Closer to documentary photography than photojournalism, Antoine Mutin, who also dabbles in video, gives great importance to emotion in his practice. "When I work on landscape images, I try to faithfully display on the screen what I saw with my own eyes, including the feelings. Music can help me dive back into the ambiance of the moment to convey a certain beauty," he explains. Antoine also enjoys recreating atmospheres he encounters in films, magazines, and exhibitions. "I have a good visual memory, and when something appeals to me, it becomes a source of inspiration." The backpack is never far away: If the health context allows, he will be in Taiwan for a year. "It's a country with a dual Chinese and Japanese culture. It promises some contrasts that I can't wait to discover!"


  • Among the top 1000 finalists in the grand CEWE photo contest with over 600,000 participants, 2021

  • Lumix_France Instagram Contest on the theme of "Landscape," 3rd place selected by the jury and the public, 2019

  • MyRankArt Contest on the theme of "Youth," 5th place selected by the jury, 2019

  • MyRankArt Contest on the theme of "Our Animal Friends," 6th place selected by the jury, 2018

  • Instagram Contest by Sébastien Roignant on the theme of "Geek," 2017

  • Most talented Erasmus student of ESN-EYE in Łódź, Poland, 2017

  • LDLC Contest on the theme of "Holidays," 2016
